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In this section you will find various projects, either in progress or completed, within the framework of the RoboCup. Some of them include projects of the "Image Understanding" lecture and the "Interactive mobile robots" elective course.

Here you can find the publications by Professor Dr.rer.nat Matthias Rätsch. 

Our most recent open source programs are shared on


Simultaneous localization and mapping


Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.

3D Scan

Comparing different 3D Scan systems


Kinect2 evaluation
Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.


Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.

Feature Analysis

Projects dealing with feature analysis like attractiveness.


Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation from.

Automatic soccer table

A foosball table with an autonomously playing goalie.

Instructional video here.

Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.

Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation from.

Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.

Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.

Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation from.

Here you find a summary.
 you find the documentation.

Pixy Cam

A rover with omni wheels as a test plattform for the Pixy Cam

Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.

Industrial Robots

Here you find collaborations with the robotics lab of Prof. Gruhler

15WS: Kuka robot web presentation
Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.

15WS: MANZ Delta Robot
Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.

15SS: Jigsaw Puzzle Robot
Here you find a summary.
Here you find a short video.
Here you find the documentation from.

Optical detection of a speaking person, using FaceVacs.

Detecting a speaking person, using optical features.

Here you find a short video.
Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation from.


By combining a speech-recognition tool and Wolfram Alpha, a robot could answer questions competently.

Here you find a short video.
Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation.



Hand gestures

Detecting hand gestures for establishing non-verbal communication.

  • CNN for Finger Alphabet
    Here you find a summary.
    Here you find a short video.
    Here you find the documentation.
  • Keyboard simulation and Finger Alphabet
    Here you find a summary.
    Here you find a short video.
    Here you find the documentation.
  • Counting fingers with a webcam.
    Here you find a summary.
    Here you find a short video.
    Here you find the documentation.
  • Hand gestures with Leap Motion, simulating a keyboard as an example
    Here you find a summary.
    Here you find a short video.
    Here you find the documentation.
  • Hand gestures with Leap Motion
    Controlling the SCITOS using hand gestures with Leap Motion.
    Here you find a summary.
    Here you find a short video.
  • Leap Motion talk
    Here you find a summary.
    Here you find a short video.

Data collection and statistics for attractiveness of females within the course "computer science engineer" in the mechanical engineering program.

Here you find a summary.


Here you can find the documentation.

Face Exchange

Polymorph yourself into someone else, easy, fast and painless.

Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation.

Humanoid robots

Presentation on humanoid robotics

Here you can find the complete package

Here you can find a summary.

Machine Learning

Different projects about machine learning.


Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation from.


Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation from.