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In this section you will find various projects, either in progress or completed, within the framework of the RoboCup. Some of them include projects of the "Image Understanding" lecture and the "Interactive mobile robots" elective course.

Here you can find the publications by Professor Dr.rer.nat Matthias Rätsch. 

Our most recent open source programs are shared on

New MixedReality server

New installation of the Mixed-Reality server, developed by NorthernStars

Here you find a short video.
Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation.

Here you find a ready-to-go VM with the server installed.

New MixedReality Bots

New bots for the Mixed-Reality table, developed by NorthernStars


Here you find a summary.
Here you find the documentation.

Find the bot

MR-SmallTable–„Find the Bot“
Use of pole filters to improve the image capturing.

To improve the detection of the position marker on the MR table a holder was designed for a polarizing filter. The polarizing filter is to filter out the display on the screen, to thereby detect the marker against a black (for cameras) background easily.

Amazingly, the detection rate has not improved, but actually worsened. Probably because light reflections now have a greater impact on the black background. The accuracy of location detection has, however, improved significantly.

Here you find the documentation.

Mixed-Reality - They want to roll again

Defective IR interface makes mixed reality a virtual Reality

Because for some time the IR interface, which makes the connection between bots and server was broken, our mixed reality was limited to pure virtual games.

After many attempts, a working prototype has now been finally created and tested!