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Successes of RT-Lions

First prize in the Freebot competition at the Robotica 2016

RT-Lions won the first prize in the Freebot competition at the Robotica 2016 in Portugal

Best Poster Award Informatics Inside 2015

Steffen Wittig won the Best Poster Award for Leonie with his interdisciplinary work "Animations of Parameterized Facial Expressions for Collaborative Robots"!

Best Poster Award Informatics Inside 2014

RT-Lion Patrik Huber won the first price at the conference as part of his doctoral thesis with Prof. Rätsch.

Iranian Champion 2011

At the open championships in Tehran, everything went well
For more: see Blog

3rd place at German Championships 2011

After some technical problems, we at least got a trophy from Magdeburg
For more: see Blog

World Champion in Singapore 2010

Our colleagues from Wolfenbüttel (WF Wolves) became the world champions in Singapore

World Champion in Graz 2009

We became the world champion in the first year of our participation in the RoboCup.
For more: see Blog

German Champion of 2009

We won the first games only a few weeks after entering the league.
For more: see Blog RoboCup