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Arrival and Orientation

City Registration

Anyone moving into an apartment/ dorm room is required by law to register with the city (Bürgeramt) within 14 days upon arrival. This legal formality is called "Wohnsitz anmelden".

To do so, you need to book an appointment with the Bürgeramt (city hall). You book the appointment online (usually with Bürgeramt Reutlingen, Marktplatz 22):

Required documents:

  • Passport
  • ID card (EU Citizens only)
  • Completed city registration form (in German: "Anmeldung der Wohnung bei der Meldebehörde")
  • "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung" (landlord's confirmation)

You can find the relevant documents on the Bürgeramt Reutlingen's homepage.


Course Registration & Participation
  1. Activate your Reutlingen University user account. Activation data will be provided by your international coordinator after completion of enrolment.
  2. To access course materials and to receive important notifcations by your lecturer, sign up for all your courses on our moodle platform RELAXTo find courses, please search for the english course title using the search function. 
  3. Note: If an enrolment key is needed, please send an e-mail to responsible professor to request it.
  4. Please attend the courses you have selected. See the WebUntis online timetable for lecture hours and rooms