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While in Reutlingen

Certificate of Enrolment

Please download your certifcate of Enrolment via the Campus-PoRTal.

exam registration

Exam registration for the 2023 Summer Semester will be taking place from May 08-15, 2023 via the HIP platform. Updated information on the exam registration procedures will be provided by E-Mail. 

Extension of exchange student enrolment

If you are intending  to stay  enrolled for a second semester as exchange student at Reutlingen University, you must re-register for the upcoming semester via the Campus-PoRTal. The re-registration period (Rückmeldezeitraum) for the following semester will be announced via e-mail by the university administration. You may also find this information here

Please note the following:

  • Extension of the study abroad stay is only possible if
    1. The student’s letter of acceptance issued by Reutlingen University states a duration of the study abroad stay of 2 semester.
    2. The student’s home university and Reutlingen University approve the extension of the exchange student status for one more semester. The home university needs to issue a confirmation letter, which needs to be send to TEC.Incomings@dont-want-spam.Reutlingen-University.DE  by July 31 (for winter semester) / Janaury 31 (for summer semester).
  • According to university legislation, enrolment as exchange student is possible for 2 semesters in total. Only in exceptional cases, a duration of 3 semesters is possible.
  • For the extended period of the study abroad stay, health insurance coverage is mandatory
Visa extension / residence permit

Students who need to extend their study visa after arrival in Germany need to apply for a residence permit to the local foreigner's office in Reutlingen. It is extremely important to start the application process several months before the expiry date of your student visa. You can find detailed information on the residcen permit application here. The student mobility coordinator in the School of Engineering will give you guidance on this topic as well.